Meta-owned instant messaging platform, WhatsApp has announced rolling out a new feature to provide a convenient solution to its users for making or receiving online payments via adding Unified Payment Interface (UPI) QR code scanner to the chat lists in its update.
Prior to this update, the initial assumptions have been made regarding the development of this feature for enhancing both convenience and accessibility to users to easily share their QR codes, however, its functionality would be different.
The new feature of the Meta’s instant messaging app created ease for its users to make securely send and receive money, as they can easily scan any UPI QR codes from chat lists.
With the integration of UPI QR code scanning feature directly from the chats list, users no longer need to navigate through multiple screens or follow several steps to make payments, according to
This process not only saves time but also enhances the overall user experience, making the scanning experience more intuitive, it added.
The QR code scanning feature is currently available to some beta testers that install the latest updates of WhatsApp beta for Android from the Google Play Store, and will be rolled out to more people over the coming day.