Comparisons of SAM and Southern Ocean SST variability in the 40-member CESM1-LE with observations for 1982–2020. (a) Probability density distribution of the November–January (NDJ) SAM index in the CESM1-LE. (b) As in (a), but for domain-averaged DJF Southern Ocean SST anomalies across 50°–65°S. (c) Composites of domain-averaged DJF Southern Ocean SST anomalies in relation to NDJ SAM and ENSO. (d) As in (c), but showing NDJ Southern Ocean MLD anomalies. For the CESM1-LE results, anomalies refer to deviations from the ensemble mean. In (a) and (b), the frequency distributions of SAM and Southern Ocean SST are generated using 0.5 standard deviations and 0.1°C bins, respectively. For the observed seasonal averages shown here, the listed year represents the year the season begins.
Citation: Journal of Climate 36, 20; 10.1175/JCLI-D-22-0501.1