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HomeTop Stories'Super-Earth': Astronomers finally detect a rocky planet with an atmosphere - Times...

‘Super-Earth’: Astronomers finally detect a rocky planet with an atmosphere – Times of India

NEW DELHI: Astronomers using the Nasa‘s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have achieved a significant milestone by detecting an atmosphere around the rocky exoplanet 55 Cancri e, which orbits a Sun-like star some 12.6 parsecs away from Earth. This discovery marks the first time an atmosphere has been identified surrounding a terrestrial planet outside our Solar System.Although 55 Cancri e is inhospitable to life as we know it—largely because it is enveloped in a probable magma ocean—this finding could provide crucial insights into the early geological stages of rocky planets, including Earth. a study in journal Nature said.
The planet, a “super-Earth” significantly larger than our planet but smaller than Neptune, orbits perilously close to a star dimmer and slightly less massive than our sun, completing an orbit every 18 hours. Infrared observations using the James Webb Space Telescope indicated the presence of a substantial atmosphere, possibly rich in carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide, along with other gases such as water vapor and sulfur dioxide.
“The atmosphere is likely rich in carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide, but can also have other gases such as water vapor and sulfur dioxide. The current observations cannot pinpoint the exact atmospheric composition,” said planetary scientist Renyu Hu of Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Caltech, lead author of the study published in the journal Nature.
Sara Seager, a planetary scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who was not involved in the study, emphasized the significance of this discovery, saying, “Finding a gaseous envelope around an Earth-like planet is a big milestone in exoplanet research.” The atmosphere of 55 Cancri e is thought to be rich in carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide, and its thickness is estimated to be “up to a few percent” of the planet’s radius. This super-Earth, about twice the size of our planet and more than eight times as massive, presents a unique case study due to its close proximity to its host star—only about one sixty-fifth the distance from Earth to the Sun.
The planet has been a subject of intense study and speculation over the years. Initially thought to be a gas giant’s core, further observations revised its classification to a dense, rocky super-Earth. Recent studies suggest that 55 Cancri e has a thick atmosphere of heavier, volatile molecules, challenging previous theories that it was either a “water world” or enveloped by a light hydrogen-helium atmosphere. This robust atmosphere likely survives the intense stellar winds due to its composition of heavy molecules that do not escape easily into space.
Renyu Hu, a planetary scientist at JPL and co-author of the study, discussed the planet’s resilience against stellar winds, suggesting that its atmosphere might be continually replenished by gases released from the underlying magma ocean. This ongoing interaction between the surface and atmosphere provides a dynamic system that could mirror early Earth’s conditions, offering a real-time model for studying planetary formation and evolution.
Laura Schaefer, a planetary geologist at Stanford University, also highlighted the value of studying such environments, saying, “Earth probably went through at least one magma-ocean stage, maybe several. Having actual present-day examples of magma oceans can help us understand the early history of our Solar System.” This discovery not only advances our knowledge of planetary atmospheres but also deepens our understanding of the processes that may have shaped the very early Earth.
(With inputs from agencies)

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