Several weeks ago, we asked D.C.-area readers to tell us about their favorite dive bar. Hundreds answered our survey questions, sharing tales about great bartenders and fuzzy late-night escapades. Others sent nominations through email and social media channels, and even by letter. We tallied up your responses, and out of the dozens of bars that received votes, the list has been cut down to one dozen.
Now, it’s time for you to vote. Pick your favorite dive bar from these 12 options, and tell us why it’s more deserving than the others. Please include your name and a valid email address. We may publish your response, including your name, in an upcoming story, but we won’t publish your contact information. Thanks for helping us shine a light on D.C.’s top dive bars.
This is a nonscientific user poll. Results are not statistically valid and cannot be assumed to reflect the views of Washington Post users as a group or the general population.