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HomeLife Style7 Yoga Asaanas That Can Help Kids Boost Memory

7 Yoga Asaanas That Can Help Kids Boost Memory

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Yoga enhances oxygen and blood flow throughout the body, including the brain, positively impacting our cognitive function.

Yoga enhances oxygen and blood flow throughout the body, including the brain, positively impacting our cognitive function

Yoga is a trusted practice that can boost our physical and mental health and goes a long way in promoting wellness. It emphasises deep breathing, and paying attention to bodily sensations, which can improve our concentration and memory. Yoga also enhances oxygen and blood flow throughout the body, including the brain, positively impacting our cognitive function.

Kids and students have several commitments, from academics and extracurriculars that need their focus. With the help of yoga, they can achieve deep concentration and improve their memory. This will not only help them thrive academically but also lead to their overall development and help them manage stress.

Let us have a look at 7 yoga poses that can kids boost memory:

  1. Surya NamaskarPracticed daily in many schools, this yoga asana is known for its benefits from improving physical health to improving concentration. It is a combination of 12 yoga postures beginning with Pranamasana which involves deep breathing and standing upright.
  2. Balasana (Child’s pose)Kneel on the mat until your back rests on your heels. Stretch your arms and breathe. This posture promotes relaxation and improves mental clarity.
  3. Anulom Volom PranayanaAnother common yoga technique, anulom vilom involves breathing in and out through each nostril. This practice increases the blood flow to the brain increasing mental clarity. It also helps reduce stress and anxiety.
  4. Vrikshasana (Tree pose)This pose involves balancing the body on one leg while placing the other on the inner thigh of the standing leg. Your arms should be stretched at the top, folded. This practice can enhance focus leading to better memory. It is also believed to calm the nervous system, reducing anxiety.
  5. Sarvagasana (Shoulder stand)This is a full-body exercise which involves inverting yourself and resting on the shoulders. This yoga asana can enhance strength, flexibility, and circulation, and promote mental clarity.
  6. Trataka DhyanThe trataka dhyan involves sitting in a comfortable position and focusing on a single point, usually a candle flame. The simple yet effective exercise can improve mental clarity, boost memory and promote a heightened sense of awareness. Apart from this, this exercise can also improve eyesight.
  7. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)The Paschimottanasana stretches the spine, shoulders and hamstrings. This asana significantly improves blood flow and can improve memory while boosting focus. To perform this, sit on the floor with your toes stretched in front of you, press your bone in the direction of the floor and lengthen your spine. Exhale and inhale for a few minutes.

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