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HomeLife Style4 baby steps to sort out your life

4 baby steps to sort out your life

Were you the kid who stuffed loose sheets into your backpack, and have become the adult who lost their degree in a tsunami of paperwork? Do you gaze in envy at pristine homes and need nerves of steel to enter your kitchen? Does hunting for something in your closet make you want to cry?

All is not lost. It is never too late to regain control of your life. You do not need to become possessed by a librarian or join the military to conquer the insurmountable obstacle that is Organisation. Here are four easily achievable goals towards a lighter life. 

1. Clean your kitchen sink 

There are few things more demoralising than entering the kitchen to make breakfast and seeing a tower of dirty dishes from the night before. Make it a point to wash as you go. Build kitchen clean-up into your nighttime routine. If you have small children who make this an impossible task, just focus on wiping down your sink. With a clean sink, you can walk into a calm, soothing environment without wanting to flee.

2. Throw out five things daily

There is no need to go full Marie Kondo, but it is useful to ask yourself, “Why am I hanging on to these birthday cards from twenty years ago?” Take a photo and throw them out. Your house does not deserve to be burdened by sentimental relics. Similarly, do not hold onto clothes that would fit the stick figure you once were. When you shed those five kilos, you will want new clothes. Banish unused items from your closet. The fewer choices you have, the easier your life will become. By getting rid of five items daily, whether it’s shoes or clothes or dust-magnet decoration pieces, your house will slowly become easier to organise.  

3. Get ready first thing in the morning

This means showering and putting on clothes you are willing to be seen in outside the house. Slap on some light makeup. Put on a nice pair of fake earrings. When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, both your body language and your mindset change for the better. And you are far less likely to crawl back into bed and wake up feeling unproductive. 

4. Go for a thirty-minute walk every day

We lead sedentary lifestyles. It is an insult to the mighty potato to call ourselves couch potatoes, but that is what we have become. You do not need a gym membership or expensive dumbbells and workout gear to get fit. Just go for a thirty-minute brisk walk every day. It is easy, free, and will do you the world of good. If you don’t want to venture past your gate, do laps in your lawn with a pair of headphones and your favourite music. Get your heart rate pumping, and feel good knowing you’ve just done your body a favour.

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